26 ene 2022

Laika, lost dog...

It is cold outside these days...

Cold waves follow each other like the waves of the sea. A sea that she does not know. She has known the gray pavement and the dark soil at the back of the patio and the gray color of the dishes she fiddles with sometimes when she is bored.

At night she knew that dark room with the little squares and her pink bed, a pinkish gray, she would say. The room darkens at night and only a very dim light pass through the window, up there, a window that cannot be reached.

And so the hours passed. She sometimes dreamed. She dreamed of pleasant smells that she did not often perceive: smells of caresses and laughter. And she remembered that time they took her out for a walk. What a wonder world! Smells everywhere! Smells of other dogs and other people, scents of plants and grass, fragrances of the morning when the sun comes up very bright, and smell of hot and tasty things. Smells of quiet afternoons when other children play with their pets. Scents accumulated at night that tell secrets from other lives.

She did not know much about that world. She had built a world for herself with bits of memories of what she had lived through intermittently, at times, even when she ran away some other time in the past.

In the morning people used to greet her. Those lively blue eyes shone in the rays of sunlight reaching the patio. She likes people and she did not understand why they did not spend more time with her.

She used to run from here to there. She raced with her dimmed shadow or with an imaginary friend who was formed from the scents of other friends she knew for brief moments.

One day they left the door open.

How could she resist to run away and discover that world she dreamed of when she slept!

Of course, she escaped.

Today we do not know if she sleeps peacefully and dreams. Or if she has aromas of human beings next to her that give her food on time.

Or maybe everything darkens and even she dreams of going back to the patio and playing again with her shadow but she does not know how.

Laika is a husky dog that got lost. If you can, help her find her home.

If you can, help any lost or stray dog find a home.

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