30 nov 2016

Famous people that studied sciences and mathematics V

Continuing with people linked to science we have the following list:

Pope Francisco, the Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio, had a bachelor degree in chemistry. Well, he decided to follow other way din’t it?

Another Pope with interest in science was Sylvester II from 999 to 1003. A wise man interested in mathematics and astronomy who reintroduced many scientific instrumentation to the European culture of his epoch as the abacus, not seen since the Greco-Roman times.

In artistic environment, we find Natalie Portman, well known due to her cinema roles but not for her scientific contributions. She graduated in sicology by the Harvard University with studies in neurosciences and mind evolution. In a parallel career she did research in her area, wrote scientific papers and worked with other scientists.

Amy Farrah Fowler, neurosciences PhD is Sheldon’s girlfriend in The Big Bang theory, famous Sitcom from CBS. The actress who plays Amy is Mayim Bialik who has a PhD in neurosciences by the University of California! So you now know, she combines her actress career with her love for science.

During the decades of 1930’s till 1950’s there was a famous and beautiful actress named Hedy Lamarr. Well, besides of that, she was a well-known mathematician with important contributions to science. She invented a technique precursor of actual wireless communications of nowadays.

This technique was co-invented with the Norte American composer George Antheil. Unfortunately it was not recognized in that time and it was only till 1990 when it gains the recognizing in the scientific world.

In the musician world, we would like to talk about the Argentinian group named Les Luthiers. Their first song was a medicine recipe with music as a joke for them. However, it was the beginning of great, funny and interesting songs. As an example, they have one about Thales teorem… you enjoy and also learn!

Their musicians are related with music indeed but also with science. Among them, Carlos Núñez Cortés, a chemist and snails’ collector is the maker of instruments of the group. The architect Ernesto Acher was a designer and structures teacher for many years before joining to the group (1972-1986) and Jorge Maronna was interested in medicine when he was young but then he decided for a musical career.

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