9 jul 2019

Social network game: STOP way visual collage

Long time ago, when social networks did not exist ... the boys used to play together and not in a virtual way. A popular game was known as STOP.

In these days everything is published in the social networks. Most of the people surf among the posts in a very fast way, sometimes giving likes, sometimes not.

In the social networks, sometimes there are games for a virtual interaction. Some are ingenious, other ones not so much. But how about those ones which seem regular at the beginning and then turn out to be a challenge?

If you dare, for this vacation, build a sequence of images to associate your name and personality with: an element, an animal, a season and a color.

Here you have the image sequence for ERIN.

How is the game?

Write your name. If it is less than three letters like ANN, we have problems and we will see what to do but if it is of four letters like ERIN, each one of the letters must correspond to the initial letter of an element, an animal, a season and a color.

If it is greater than four letters, you can choose two letters for each of the requested conditions, as in VIOLET where the last two letters can correspond to the Electric Time color.

1) The element can be taken from the periodic table if you are lucky that the first initial of your name is in it (or even the two first letters of your name, if you need it). If you do not find an option, you can take one of Aristotle's elements: earth (E) or soil (S), water (W), air (A) or wind (W) and fire (F). But maybe you can not take it from there either ... there are complicated names. Then you can take the element from a medium such as rocks (R), or sea (S). If you do not find or do not like anything, you can even take a fictional element or a compound like the Kryptonite (K) of Superman.

For ERIN, I took the Elephantium which is an element of fiction that turns the person who takes it into an elephant.

2) The animal is easy but we do not always like it. You have to select it in such a way that it reflects what you want to show about you.

 For ERIN, although I had several options like: rat, racoon and rabbit. I chose rabbit.

3) The third image is very complicated because the seasons are limited. The known ones are: spring (S), summer (S), autumn (A), winter (W). Well, the challenge may be to investigate other names of these seasons like fall (F) for autumn or the ecological seasons: prevernal (P), vernal (V), etc. Or search for characteristics associated with the season such as: solstice (S) or equinox (E); or even the months: January (J), February (F), etc. But if your name does not fit with any of those letters, like all games, it has its tricks: you can play with the word and choose a TV season or use the season verb.

For ERIN, it was not possible to find a season in the English language so I played with the word and decided to use the internal (I) season concept, and put a flowered polyhedron.

4) Finally, choosing the color is also easy because there are many. Perhaps the only difficulty lies in the fact that we want to select a good color that shows our personality.

For ERIN, it was not easy but at the end, I selected the nyanza colour.

Let's see other names.

For ROSA it can be the following image that contains: rock, owl, solstice (which is the longest day of summer or the longest night in winter) and apricot colour.

How would we do for ANN?

Well, one option would be to leave one of the empty conditions and have an image like the following that contains: adamantium (element of fiction of the X-Men), the newt, November related with the autumn season and nothing for the colour. Of course, perhaps ANN would not like to have so few options and decide to include their second or last name, which is also valid.

This is a challenge game; there are not winners or losers. In a social network, the goal is to have a display of images that reflect the personalities and creativity of the people and leave the simple "like" or comment of a fast surfing. The goal is to have a good interaction. You can play with the conditions that we mentioned at the beginning or vary them. Other option could be to associate your name with an animal, a vegetable and an emotion, or any other one that you or your friends can think of.

Before social networks, the boys got often together to play face-to-face and a popular game was STOP.

In this game one person mentally reviewed the alphabet and another stopped it. Right at that moment, the first person said the letter thought in the moment of the stop. For example, the letter m. Then everyone should write in a paper a list of objects in various categories such as: proper name, surname, animal, flower or fruit, country, thing and brand.

The first one who had just finished was stopping everyone and everyone was reading what he had written.

If the words were correct and unique, each one was given a total score; If they were repeated, the score was divided by the number of people who had the same answer; if there was nothing written or the word did not correspond to the evaluated category, the score was zero.

So go ahead, play one of these games or both and enjoy your holidays!

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